Mrs Marcos (89) – 24hour Live-in care
Mrs Marcos lives alone in a quiet village neighbourhood in Hertfordshire. Before she started using NHP live-in care services, she had been with an agency which never used to prioritise her privacy and dignity at all, she said. There was always high staff turnover of live-in carers who often just turned up on her doorstep unannounced and without any pre-handover arrangements having been agreed between the agency and herself or her daughter, who is her main family carer.
Often and due to irregularities within the agency’s care administration itself, she ended up having to disrupt her daughter`s family life by requesting her to come and help her at short notice, because the carer she had was transferred to another client before a replacement cover for her was arranged. She said this happened on numerous occasions and often made her feel neglected and undervalued as a customer. In addition, Mrs Marcos said she never exercised her choice of caregivers whom she preferred to support her. Since Mrs Marcos started using us for her live-in carers, she had this to say “Can I just say; as a pensioner living alone in a village, I feel much more secure with the level of care your company has given me so far. I only have one (1) permanent carer, Emeldah, whom I totally adore. When she is on holiday, I always know that Juliet will be coming, and Juliet is equally lovely and sweet. The girls know all the security features at my house, and they relate well with all my neighbours, which has even added extra support and security to my life. Well done NHP for such a high calibre of staff you have”